This is a transcript of the narrative entries for "Glory of the Stormvaults", a Warhammer Age of Sigmar Path to Glory Campaign that was run in June of 2019
Word has spread of a strange event that took place on a stormy night in a small roadside tavern in Ghyran. While traveling merchants huddled in their cloaks and cupped the candle flames at their tables when the doors opened to the dreary night, a hunched figure stumbled in. The stranger was mumbling about a prophecy, that a powerful treasure was hidden in the wilds and that he had seen the ruins where it was secured.
By the firelight he babbled about wandering through the wilderness and happening upon a great tomb, massive statues and arcane sigils adorned its exterior, while eldritch machines turned ominously as they towered over him. As he ran from the terrifying edifice, he came across others hidden away, smaller yet grand in their own right. When he finally made it back to civilization he realized that he did not remember the way back, but insisted what he saw was real. While most of the other patrons laughed this off as the ramblings of a fool, the tale started to spread across the Realms. By contacts, rumor, and clever spies, you have been informed of this treasure and you recognized the truths hidden in the story.
You recognize the descriptions of a Stormvault. Knowing what this may mean you gather a warband of loyal followers and begin the journey to Ghyran to begin your search, knowing that others will have heard the rumors and mobilized their forces as well. The land around the tavern has become a no-mans land as armies gather and prepare to start their search.
Will you be the one to breach the Stormvault and take the glory for yourself?
Your warband has been gathered and you have made the treacherous journey to Ghyran. As your forces arrive via the hidden realmgates and pathways open to your faction, you start searching the land for signs spoken of in the old man's tale. A rock that has been struck by lightning, a grove of trees moving in a wind that doesn't reach the surrounding forrest, a statue of an armored figure staring into the distance through a shroud of ivy.
These signs point you towards your first stormvault and the promise of powerful magical artifacts. The sounds of nearby movement is reported by your forward scouts and the race is on. You advance towards your target. Let the Glory of the Stormvaults be claimed by the victorious!
Word has spread of a strange event that took place on a stormy night in a small roadside tavern in Ghyran. While traveling merchants huddled in their cloaks and cupped the candle flames at their tables when the doors opened to the dreary night, a hunched figure stumbled in. The stranger was mumbling about a prophecy, that a powerful treasure was hidden in the wilds and that he had seen the ruins where it was secured.
By the firelight he babbled about wandering through the wilderness and happening upon a great tomb, massive statues and arcane sigils adorned its exterior, while eldritch machines turned ominously as they towered over him. As he ran from the terrifying edifice, he came across others hidden away, smaller yet grand in their own right. When he finally made it back to civilization he realized that he did not remember the way back, but insisted what he saw was real. While most of the other patrons laughed this off as the ramblings of a fool, the tale started to spread across the Realms. By contacts, rumor, and clever spies, you have been informed of this treasure and you recognized the truths hidden in the story.
You recognize the descriptions of a Stormvault. Knowing what this may mean you gather a warband of loyal followers and begin the journey to Ghyran to begin your search, knowing that others will have heard the rumors and mobilized their forces as well. The land around the tavern has become a no-mans land as armies gather and prepare to start their search.
Will you be the one to breach the Stormvault and take the glory for yourself?
Your warband has been gathered and you have made the treacherous journey to Ghyran. As your forces arrive via the hidden realmgates and pathways open to your faction, you start searching the land for signs spoken of in the old man's tale. A rock that has been struck by lightning, a grove of trees moving in a wind that doesn't reach the surrounding forrest, a statue of an armored figure staring into the distance through a shroud of ivy.
These signs point you towards your first stormvault and the promise of powerful magical artifacts. The sounds of nearby movement is reported by your forward scouts and the race is on. You advance towards your target. Let the Glory of the Stormvaults be claimed by the victorious!
The mists that surround this region of Ghyran are thick enough to separate the warbands and leave them wandering in the fog. Breaking through the mists into clearings filled with the ruins of a lost kingdom, warbands clash as they search for any signs of the path to the Stormvaults, the sounds of their fighting muffled and lost amidst the clouds.
As the mist settles, your warband discovers a reliquary humming with power. Opening the doors to the stone building causes a rush of energy that nearly pushes the warriors over and reveals a trove of valuables stacked neatly around a central plinth.
The paltry gold and silver coins that surround the pillar in the center are ignored by all but the most greedy followers as your Champion approaches the item that seems to call to them.
The artefact that they pull from that building seems reluctant to allow the hero deemed worthy of holding it to access its true power. A whisper in their mind promises victory and power if the hero can complete the trials the artefact has set. A gift given to those who vanquished their foes in the mists comes in the form of a secret path that can lead them towards the next Sacristy. The sounds of war horns echoes in the distance as rival warbands also discover the hidden artefacts of the Stormvaults, their bearers eager to join in battle to satiate the desires of their arcane items. Open battlefields spread out in the wilderness, proof that the ancient peoples that lived here must have met a bloody end fighting over the power that was sealed nearby.
As the mist settles, your warband discovers a reliquary humming with power. Opening the doors to the stone building causes a rush of energy that nearly pushes the warriors over and reveals a trove of valuables stacked neatly around a central plinth.
The paltry gold and silver coins that surround the pillar in the center are ignored by all but the most greedy followers as your Champion approaches the item that seems to call to them.
The artefact that they pull from that building seems reluctant to allow the hero deemed worthy of holding it to access its true power. A whisper in their mind promises victory and power if the hero can complete the trials the artefact has set. A gift given to those who vanquished their foes in the mists comes in the form of a secret path that can lead them towards the next Sacristy. The sounds of war horns echoes in the distance as rival warbands also discover the hidden artefacts of the Stormvaults, their bearers eager to join in battle to satiate the desires of their arcane items. Open battlefields spread out in the wilderness, proof that the ancient peoples that lived here must have met a bloody end fighting over the power that was sealed nearby.
King Casdenor looked at the bodies of those who dared to challenge his warband, dared to trespass on what was once his land so many years ago. The rabble that fought for the treasure hidden in the ancient vaults would be his, but the duty of gathering it shall be handed to a trusted lieutenant: Kazakh the Silent Warden. Kazakh rose from the ground with a rattling of his chains and bowed to his king. He knew the banshee queen had called him to wage another war against Nagash's enemies, so destroying those foolish enough to sully their ancestral lands should fall to him. Supported by the elite guard, and the ever graceful necromancer Atraphor, Kazakh will cleanse the filth from their lands and keep the hidden relics of the past from those who would steal it.
Following the clues found in the previous Stormvaults your warband has lead you to a massive shrine on the outskirts of a ruined town. The power pulsing through the monument is visible in the dim light of morning and a group of your followers have curiously begun to approach it, against orders and without acknowledging the shouted warnings.
As the spirits within the shrines manifest and overwhelm the senses of your followers, they take off running towards a distant enemy, shouting curses in a language that has been lost for generations. Only when you hear the sounds of other warbands also chasing their possessed members do you realize that the ruins were defended far more effectively than expected.
The ruins of the town spread out beyond the shrines and a series of watchtowers can be seen still standing, fortifications that can be defended so your weary warriors can find some respite from the constant fighting, if you can hold it from the other forces also trying to locate the mysterious Stormvaults.
As the spirits within the shrines manifest and overwhelm the senses of your followers, they take off running towards a distant enemy, shouting curses in a language that has been lost for generations. Only when you hear the sounds of other warbands also chasing their possessed members do you realize that the ruins were defended far more effectively than expected.
The ruins of the town spread out beyond the shrines and a series of watchtowers can be seen still standing, fortifications that can be defended so your weary warriors can find some respite from the constant fighting, if you can hold it from the other forces also trying to locate the mysterious Stormvaults.
Your warband has discovered several minor Stormvaults, finding treasure and information in some, while others contain only dust and disappointment. Following a trail through ancient foundations and overgrown relics of a lost civilization your warband finds itself in front of a large ruin surrounded by flickering engines vibrating with arcane power.
Unfortunately another warband has also arrived and has taken up a position to guard the Sacristy from your forces. If the defenders are able to hold on long enough, the power of the Stormvault itself will expel their opponents from the area and allow them to secure the prize within.
Unfortunately another warband has also arrived and has taken up a position to guard the Sacristy from your forces. If the defenders are able to hold on long enough, the power of the Stormvault itself will expel their opponents from the area and allow them to secure the prize within.
The battle was vicious and the slain Duardin and Aelves mixed with the scattered bones of the broken undead beneath the bouncing and romping forms of the squigs as they searched for their next meal. Sir Dankulous jumped down from his steeds and left them in the care of an unfortunate assistant and made his way to the top of the odd stone structure they had fought so hard to secure. "Arrite you gitz, spread out and find the treasure!" The goblins scoured the landscape, pulling apart bushes and looting the fallen as they searched for whatever spoils their chieftain had dragged them along to loot. The afternoon dragged on with Sir Dankulous shouting commands from his seat atop the blocky structure, his followers squabbling and watching the squigs chase the less fortunate grots when they got too close. Suddenly a grot shouted out "Oi boss! I got somtin'!"
Sir Dankulous pushed his way through the gathering crowd as the grot held up a gemstone that swirled with purple energy, the tarnished crown that held it breaking away into dust as they watched. Dankulous smacked the grot and snatched the gem from it. He held it up to the light filtering down from the canopy above and grinned. "Yaaaas! This is it! The treasure of da Stormvuts! Mount up, boys, we're off to the smithin gits to get this mounted in a new hat!" As the goblins bounded off into the distance a fog gathered and swallowed up the Grand Stormvault's entrance, hiding it until the next worthy champion came looking for its hidden riches.
Through the mist a hollow laugh echoed and King Casdenor stood among the fallen, already raising his honor guard to once again disappear into the mist and defend their lost homeland.
Sir Dankulous pushed his way through the gathering crowd as the grot held up a gemstone that swirled with purple energy, the tarnished crown that held it breaking away into dust as they watched. Dankulous smacked the grot and snatched the gem from it. He held it up to the light filtering down from the canopy above and grinned. "Yaaaas! This is it! The treasure of da Stormvuts! Mount up, boys, we're off to the smithin gits to get this mounted in a new hat!" As the goblins bounded off into the distance a fog gathered and swallowed up the Grand Stormvault's entrance, hiding it until the next worthy champion came looking for its hidden riches.
Through the mist a hollow laugh echoed and King Casdenor stood among the fallen, already raising his honor guard to once again disappear into the mist and defend their lost homeland.